Hammer is undoubtedly one of the most useful and common equipment for household use. It is not so much complicated to use. Almost every household has more than one hammer. Hammer is beneficial for various tasks like driving nails in the wall, painting on a board, breaking something sturdy, etc. Almost everyone can use a hammer.
As it is not powerful equipment like a circular saw, people feel more comfortable with it. Although it is a general tool for every home, it still presents danger. The hammer is the reason behind thousands of injuries in every year all around the world. Here, we will discuss how to use a hammer properly – guides and tips. Let’s go –
How to Use a Hammer Properly
A hammer is an easy-to-use tool. You won’t have to face any difficulties using it. But you can still injure yourself while trying to use it. Therefore, you need to take safety measures. There are so many people who have little idea about such precautions. Here, we are giving some tips on how to use a hammer safely. Let’s take a look –
Select a Right Hammer
At first, select a hammer that could suit you the best. Don’t try to use one which will make a burden to you. It will be a foolish decision and it presents a big danger. For household uses, it will be best to choose a lighter hammer.
Homeowners shouldn’t go for specialty hammers like a 30-ounce ripping claw hammer. The reason is those hammers are generally used by the carpenters who are employed with such heavy equipment.
Moreover, those hammers are helpful for the rough type or demolition works. As a result, they should stay away from these hammers and better go after lighter ones.
Check Out the Hammer
Before starting the work, inspect the hammer closely. You have to ensure the handle of the hammer is strong enough. Additionally, you should also check on whether the handle attaches tightly to the head or not. If it doesn’t bind tightly, don’t start using it.
The reason is accident might happen if the head flies off the handle. There’s a big possibility someone could get injured badly. If the hammer gets aged, try to replace it with a newer one. The steel could get corroded or the wood might be rotting.
As a result, its working ability gets decreased day by day. In such a case, you could tighten the screw of the hammer with a screwdriver or burnish the woods from a nearby woodshop. Nevertheless, we suggest changing the hammer and buying a new one. This will be the best decision to avoid any occurrence.
Clean the Hammer
If you find out that the hammer is not clean enough, do it quickly. Clean the dirt, residue, oil from it. Wipe those dirty things out through a clean cloth. But, don’t use water. Water could be the reason the steel part gets rust-covered.
Remember that, if there are oil or oily type things attached with the hammer, it could slip while you are working with it. As a result, a severe injury could happen.
Wear Eye Goggle
When people use a chainsaw, they usually wear eye protection. But most people don’t have any intention to wear eye goggles while using a hammer. As it is not a heavy material, they want to avoid eyewear. But it is not right. It’s totally wrong consumption.
During using a hammer, nails could get deflected in your eyes or straight towards your face. It could cause enormous harm to the eyes and face. As a result, you should wear eye goggles. You don’t need to buy a costly one. Just go for inexpensive and standard eyewear.
Hold the Equipment Correctly
Always try to hold the hammer in the right way. Don’t just hold it and start working. To grasp it properly, first, you have to grab it near the endpoint of its handle. After that, sway it several times in order to get flexible with it. A high-quality hammer will surely give you a good balance. After perfectly gripping the hammer, get ready to swing.
Take a Look Around Before Swinging
Before starting swinging, take a look at your surroundings. Look closely at the left, right, behind. So, you will get a close look at everything. After seeing each side, now start swinging.
Hold the Nail Correctly
People made a common mistake while holding the nail against a hammer. They tend to lay the nail in the bottom place. But, hey, this is an absolutely wrong idea! Always hold the top side of the nail. If you hold the base place and the hammer miss the target, there’s a chance your finger will get crushed.
However, when you hold the top side, the chance decreases severely.
Start With a Small Blow
Don’t use full force when you start pining a nail into the wall or somewhere else. Firstly, start with a light blow. When the nail gets secured, now it’s time to increase the power. You can use moderate or powerful force to put the nail in the right place.
Check Out the Grip
Almost all the hammers contain a grip at the bottom side of the handle. Closely check out the grip. If the grip isn’t sturdy enough, don’t use the hammer. The reason is hammer could slip from your hands if the grip isn’t tight enough.
Types of Hammers
There are various types of hammers are available on the market. Let’s take a look –
1. Ball-Peen Hammer
2. Claw Hammer (General Purpose)
3. Dead-Blow Hammer
4. Drilling Hammer
5. Framing Hammer
6. Mallet
7. Sledgehammer
8. Blacksmith Hammer
9. Double-Face Hammer
10. Engineer Hammer
12. Tinners Hammer
13. Splitting Tool Hammer
14. Rock Pick Hammer
15. Bricklayer’s Hammer
16. Magnetic Hammer
17. Lathe Axe Hammer
18. Welder (Chipping) Hammer
19. Magnetic Double Head Hammer
20. Milled-Face Hammer
21. Anti-Vibe Hammer
Final Words
This is all about from us about this common equipment. We are hoping that our discussion will help you. Hammer is a usual tool but still, people struggle and injured themselves while using it. So, it’s better to be careful. Do you have any opinion regarding this article? You can comment in the box below. Thanks!
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